
To get the best results out of your digital camera, it is recommended to record your pictures in RAW format. This format is specific to a camera and cannot be read directly by image editing applications.

flRaw is an open-source program to read and 'develop' RAW images from most digital cameras. It reads raw images using a modified version of Dave Coffin's raw conversion utility DCRaw.

flRaw will convert your RAW files into JPEG or PPM images. JPEG is a standard format to view, print and share your images. PPM is a bit representation of your image suited for further processing, for instance in The Gimp.

flRaw has a GUI to open a RAW file and experiment interactively with the controls. That way you can see how different settings influence the image. The settings obtained in this manner can be stored in a 'job' file. This job file is used by a command-line oriented batch mode to develop a set of RAW files.


This list enumerates features of flRaw that are (partly) implemented or planned to be implemented. For an exact status see the features page.

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